Giochiamo a far Musica - Helicona for young musicians - July 2024

A multidisciplinary approach to Music taught through English
that includes: horses, fencing, dancing, and theatre
using the HELICONA project
11-13 July, - Giardino Musicale, Illasi - VR
Via Str. Nuova, 37031 Illasi VR, Italia
According to the number of people enrolled, 1 or 2 separate courses will be held, from Tuesday to Fridays, 11th of July to the 13st of July,
every day: 14.30 - 18.30
Maximum 30 participants from 11 to 17-year-olds, with a serious interest in music, and basic knowledge of English
Our international team hails from The Czech Republic, Mexico, France, and Italy, all educating across English
The ratio of adults to children will be around: 1:7
Children: 100€ (85 € Brothers/Sisters)
Each camp will be activated when the minimum number of 16 children is reached.
Deadline for enrolment: 30th of June 2024
The activation of the camp will be confirmed within days after the enrolment deadline.
Music has been neurologically proved to be a super skill that helps children to develop their intelligence in profound ways, thanks to the abstract nature of music that activates most areas of the brain simultaneously while using the body. This special week is designed to be an incredible immersion into the world of music employing a highly innovative method: the Helicona project, winner of the REMA AWARDS 2022, as Cross-Border Project of the year.
This method embraces a myriad of disciplines like, horsemanship, fencing, dancing and theatre: Music will be experienced though games that will merge the improvisational elements of music with the playful elements of other disciplines.
This course is designed for young musicians; ideally, participants should come to the course with a background of three years in a Music School, so that they can easily experiment with musical games! Participants are therefore invited to bring their instruments when possible. The course will be held principally in English due to our multi-cultural team of instructors, while being aware that the children may have only a basic proficiency of the language. It is our principal objective to encourage children to experience music as the most powerful language to communicate with.
Technical information:
- All musical instruments are welcomed, Every participant has to be responsible for her/his instrument (Keyboards to be discussed with the organisation).
- Causal dress is required for activities outside.
We would like to thank for their institutional and economical support the following institutions: