Get Involved with Helicona

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Vorresti fare qualcosa per Helicona Project?
O vuoi diventare un Operatore, un Assistente, un Insegnante, o un Formatore HELICONA?
- Board member:
- We welcome people with a high profile in innovative management and vision planning, interested in develop the network that HELICONA may offer, balancing a specific philanthropic attitude with a pragmatic sense of management.
- Their contribute will help to set HELICONA internationally as well as locally, providing the innovative.
- Artistic committee and assistant:
- people involved in this area will be selected during/after the experience in the HELICONA method. The profile of this role is connected with the specific interest of developing personal skills in improvising with a multidisciplinary approach, being sensitive to psychological dynamics in education, being a positive figure in working with groups.
- Tasks related to this position include: personal/community research; organising events (courses, performances, meetings, etc); assist the main educational events in following groups of students, and eventually becoming teachers of the method; taking parts to performances in the style of HELICONA.
- Teaching team: DISCIPLINES
- People involved in this area will be selected for their specific competence in an area of interest connected with the ones of HELICONA, with an extra attention to the connections with the other disciplines of the method.
- Task related to this position include giving lessons in their discipline and, when possible, participate and contribute to other teachers lessons.
- Teaching team: HELICONA METHOD
- People involved in this area include all the ones that are using Helicona Method as a reference point for their pedagogical strategies.
- If you would like to work for/with Helicona in education you will be required to follow this training programme:
- CORTEGIANO - HELICONA OPERATOR: Someone working with the Helicona method in protected environments and specific sectors (and not working with musicians). She/he is required to:
- Attend at least to 1 course of the International School of Improvisation - Summer course
- Attend to 2 courses in a specific discipline (Level 1 and 2)
- Attend to a course on Helicona Pedagogy
- Attend to a course fully dedicated on improvisation (Level 1)
- Have sufficient music improvisation skills
- Elaborate a small essay on personal approach an proposals, showing the achievement of this level.
- CYRANO - HELICONA ASSISTANT: Someone working with the Helicona method in protected environments (level 1) working with musicians. She/he is required to:
- Attend at least to 1 course of the International School of Improvisation - Summer course
- Attend to 2 courses in each parallel discipline (Level 1 and 2)
- Attend to a course on Helicona Pedagogy
- Attend to 2 courses fully dedicated to improvisation (Level 1 and 2)
- Have fair music improvisation skills
- Elaborate a small essay on personal approach an proposals, showing the achievement of this level.
- LEONARDO - HELICONA TEACHER: Someone able to assist the courses Helicona, eventually co-teaching in all sectors with the Helicona method. She/he can work with musicians, teaching at first and second level.
- Attend at least to 2 course of the International School of Improvisation - Summer course
- Attend to a course with the Helicona Pedagogy
- Attend to 2 courses in each parallel discipline (Level 1 and 2)
- Demonstrate personal training in the parallel disciplines
- Attend to 2 courses fully dedicated to improvisation (Level 1, 2, and 3)
- Have good music improvisation skills
- Elaborate a small essay on personal approach an proposals, showing the achievement of this level.
- APOLLO - HELICONA TRAINER: Someone able to run and found courses with the Helicona method. Active researcher and participant of the pedagogical discussion on the method. She/he can teach to the future teachers.
- Be already a Helicona Teacher working with Helicona for at least 2 years
- Show attitude for managing people and organising events
- Show to be fluent and propositive on the Helicona Pedagogy
- Have advanced music improvisation skills
- Give a personal contribute in terms of research, proposals, features, to the development of Helicona, showing the achievement of this level.
- CORTEGIANO - HELICONA OPERATOR: Someone working with the Helicona method in protected environments and specific sectors (and not working with musicians). She/he is required to:
- Every level of engagement will be required to sing a educational pact, in order to guarantee a proper use of Helicona method in the society.
- Research and technique (music, dance, theatre, fencing, dressage, neurology, psychology, philosophy, medicine, business, social competences, it, design, staging, etc):
- People involved in this area will be selected for their specific competence in an area of interest connected with the ones of HELICONA.
- Their competence will be a constant or temporary help to define the lines of development of HELICONA.
- Volunteer:
- People involved in this area will be selected for their interest on HELICONA events, eventually involving people of different or specific age according to a specific event.
- Task related to this position require general contribution in the organisation of the event, (set locations, logistic, promotion, etc.)
- General associated:
- We welcome all friends and supporters of HELICONA that wants to sustain the Concept even if not necessarily involved in any specific activity.
- Donor:
- We welcome all friends and supporters of HELICONA that would like to contribute with a financial DONATION to development the project. The ways to contribute can be:
- General Donation to HELICONA (unlimited)
- Specific Donation for one of the AREAS (Research, Education, Performance) (unlimited)
- Specific Grants for Students. (€200)
- We welcome all friends and supporters of HELICONA that would like to contribute with a financial DONATION to development the project. The ways to contribute can be:
These three areas of the HELICONA Project are strongly connected, but each area also has its own separate life:
To be able to communicate we need to have something to be communicated and we need to know how to do it.
The contribution one can give to the project starts from her/his personal interest in the research, both in content and form. Here the research is considered both as an intellectual and a physical/emotional process, commonly called practice-based research. The goals of the Project are placed at the border of our sight, based on the curiosity of the developers to create connections and share them with the community.
EXPRESSIVE CODES: We believe that communication found an effective balance between content and form in the passage between the Renaissance and the Baroque period. That’s why this historical moment has a special place in our research. The synthesis between content and form was expressed through the codes that every art form used as its language. Here we place Music in the center of the circle of arts, always with an emphasis on the capacity of music to build relationships and connections with other art forms (in the same way the brain builds connections neurologically).
The INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF IMPROVISATION is the natural place to transmit this research. It is based on a historical multi-disciplinary approach where different arts are connected through music improvisation. Different SEMINARS could be used as a more intensive opportunity to give insights on specific topics (always approached with a multi-disciplinary strategy).
The training for musicians is the original vocation of the courses, but the aim of the school is to reach other beneficiaries through the development of varying formats of the courses, according to the different recipients (children, elderly people, disadvantaged categories, business people).
A natural outcome of the period of training is a public performance in which everyone is required to be committed in different levels to a multi-disciplinary show, with music at its core. The quantity/quality of the experience gained through the HELICONA method will be shaped by the different levels of the performers and performance. The show will be more or less advanced and it will be displayed in an appropriate location with different audiences, according to each specific level of performance. The HELICONA project is meant to help each person develop and use new awareness in communicative strategies and a high level development of “Good Taste” in the artistic decision-making. This artistic training is a fundamental part of all education and any decision-making process: artistic, personal, social, and even in business.
If you like these thoughts, please make contact with Davide!