Faire la Floule - divertissements between music and horses
19th July 2022
Manege Chalet a Gobet
Route de Berne 304
1000 Lausanne 25, Suisse17h00
This show connects music and horse-riding. The red line that links all the different panels together takes inspiration from François Robichon de La Guérinière's treatise on Equitation: L'Ecole de Cavalerie 1733
Improvisation and musical trasformation
Musiche di Schmelzer - Balletto a Cavallo
Lully - Marcia dei turchi
Biber - La battaglia
Davide Monti, Antoine Schneider - violini
Sushaant Jaccard - cornetto
Emma Vignier - violoncello
Eric Franco - violone
Alonzo Cardenas - chitarra
Maria Christina Cleary - arpa de dos ordenes
Emmanuelle Dupraz - Leader and trainer horse-riders
Les Hauts de Corsinge - Genéve